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Benátské kanály

Venetian canals

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Gondoly na Rio Grande

Gondolas on Rio Grande

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Most Rialto

The Rialto bridge

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Benátské gondoly

Venetian gondolas

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Most Rialto

The Rialto bridge

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Rio Grande z mostu Rialto

Rio Grande from the Rialto bridge

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Rio Grande

Rio Grande

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Gondola na Rio Grande

A Gondola on Rio Grande

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Katedrála svatého Marka

The St. Marco's cathedral

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Detail výzdoby katedrály svatého Marka

Detail of the ornamentation of the St. Marco's cathedral

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Doprava v Benátkách

City transmissions at Venice


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Most vzdechů

The bridge of sights

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Benátské kanály

Venetian canals

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Typický provoz na kanálech

A typical traffic on Venetian canals

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Chrám na ostrově San Giordio

The church on the isle San Giorgio

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Most vzdechů

The bridge of sights

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Chrám Santa Maria della Salute

The church Santa Maria della Salute

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Katedrála svatého Marka

The St. Marco's cathedral

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Chrám na ostrově San Giordio

The church on the isle San Giorgio

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Dóžecí palác

The palace of Venetian head of Republic

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Rio Grande

Rio Grande

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Chrám Santa Maria della Salute

The church Santa Maria della Salute

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Rio Grande

Rio Grande

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Rio Grande

Rio Grande

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